Selected areas of
Bantam Lake will be chemically treated with Reward (diquat) & Aquathol-K
(endothall) herbicides for control of nuisance aquatic vegetation. Additionally,
the lake will be treated with copper sulfate to manage nuisance blue-green algae.
The treatment is scheduled for Tuesday,
July 30th. Use of the lake
water within and for a distance of 500-feet beyond the treatment areas will be
restricted for swimming on the day of treatment, livestock watering for 1 day
or until August 1st, drinking/domestic purposes for 3 days following treatment
or until August 3rd, and irrigation for 5-days following treatment
or until August 5th. There are no restrictions on boating or fishing
and the CT DEEP & Town boat ramps will remain open. Prior to treatment, the lake shoreline will
be posted with signs showing the treatment areas and applicable water use
restrictions in accordance with DEEP requirements. This chemical treatment at Bantam Lake is being
performed, pursuant to a permit from CT DEEP.
The chemical treatment is but one part of a comprehensive watershed assessment
and in-lake management program that is well underway. The projects organizers and proponents
include the Bantam Lake Protective Association, the Bantam Lake Authority, the
Towns of Morris and Litchfield, and the White Memorial Foundation. SOLitude Lake Management of Shrewsbury, MA,
is the CT licensed company performing the chemical treatment and is a consultant
to the Bantam Lake Protective Association.